Translate the Glommaguide

Translate this website to French, Italian, German, Portuguese or Spanish
by using the translation service provided by Alta Vista.

How to translate:

  1. Decide what you want to translate ( Se the list below )
  2. Copy the URL (address marked as a link in blue) for the pages you want to translate.
    ( to copy just mark the URL and use Ctrl+C on your keyboard. )
  3. Click on the address you copied and the link will take you to the translation services.
  4. Paste the URL you copied inn step no. 2, into the white window on the translation page.
  5. Select your deciered translation options ( From English to Spanish ) and click on TRANSLATE.
    ( The translation may take some time )

Select a page to translate from the list below!

The Intro page

The book

The CD-rom


Tourist information

Order the Glommaguide

The guestbook

Translate the complete text from the book ( You have to be
patient with this translation, it includes all the text found in
the guide, more than 40 pages of text ! )